
Exprodesk ta invita nos comerciantenan/ importadornan pa participa na e webinar ‘Estableciendo vinculo cu Republica Dominicana’

Departamento di Asuntonan Economico, Comercio y Industria y su unidad Exprodesk, den colaboracion cu NEX Consulting ta invita nos comerciantenan/ importadornan pa participa na e webinar/reunion […]

Exprodesk ta invita nos empresarionan pa participa na e tayer “Exportacion, algo pa mi negoshi?”

Departamento di Asuntonan Economico, Comercio y Industria y su unidad Exprodesk ta invita entrepreneurs di Aruba pa participa na e tayer “Exportacion, algo pa mi negoshi?”. […]

Miami’s 88.9 FM WDNA Opportunity For Aruban Musicians

Sep 24, 2021: Departamento di Asuntonan Economico, Comercio y Industria y su unidad Exprodesk ta invita tur musico pa participa na e campaña di “Miami’s 88.9FM […]

Aruba Showcase

Exprodesk Website July 2021: Exprodesk contacted 40 Aruban entrepreneurs to offer them the possibility to showcase their products or services (made in Aruba) on its website. […]

Export week 2021: Conquering New Horizons

Day 5 (Friday, June 11: 9:00 AM- 12:30 PM): Blockchain and the disruptive potential of cryptocurrencies for Aruba: AgriLedger: Blockchain possibilities for the Agriculture Sector as […]

Export week 2021: Conquering New Horizons

Day 4 (Thursday, June 10: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM): Search Engine Marketing and Online Payment Possibilities: Search Engine Marketing: Tools for turning traffic into sales; Sustainable […]

Export week 2021: Conquering New Horizons

Day 3 (Wednesday, June 9: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM): How to grow your business locally and thrive internationally: Tips how to grow your business locally and […]

Export week 2021: Conquering New Horizons

Day 2 (Tuesday, June 8: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM): Doing Business in USA and ASIA (incl. Best Practices): Export Logistics with USA through the City of […]

Export week 2021: Conquering New Horizons

Day 1 (Monday, June 7: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM): Overview of the e-commerce landscape and current trends, Logistics Dominican Republic and Import & Export Tax benefits: […]

Export week 2021: Conquering New Horizons | E-commerce Latest Trends & The Future of Digital Payments

June 7-11, 2021: The Department of Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry (DEACI) through its unit Exprodesk and on behalf of the Minister of Finance, Economic Affairs […]